Saturday, November 12, 2011


Did you know that the College and Career class is responsible to pray for the short term missionaries our church sends out?

Shirley Pullins has put all the short-termers in the last section of display boards at the end of our missionary wall. Quite a few of the short-termers write prayer letters regularly, so you might want to check that board once a month or so and see what is new.

When it comes to mind for the next week or so, please pray for our two short-termers in the Philippines, Ruth Potter and Rachel Uhler.
Rachel is the concert mistress in this picture, and Ruth is first chair in the second violins. (If you keep looking you may see some other people we know.) Rachel and Ruth teach music - both lessons and classes - at Bob Jones Memorial Bible College.

Both Rachel and Ruth need prayer for daily strength in the heat, good communication across language barriers, and wise use of opportunities to minister and witness as they serve in small churches over the weekends.

Rachel Potter

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