Monday, November 21, 2011

Fellowship at the Wiginton's

As usual, we had a delicious time at the Wiginton home this Sunday evening. We began with a lot of confusion, pictured below.

The confusion resolved itself into chatting circles and some very pointed conversations.

Everyone loved the soup, bread, and banana cake. The prep crew did a great job. 
(Don't miss Krista behind the vase and flowers.)

And the host and hostess kept everything going fabulously.

Mr. Wiginton moved too fast to be pictured.

Not pictured: Massive parking confusion because Paiton did not direct the late-comers

Intense ping-pong battles

A bunch of girls listening to Ashley Rush's student-teaching adventures

Rachelle at her first fellowship without her appendix

I would tell you to put the next fellowship on your calendar, but I don't know when it will be. I bet we will not get together again until our annual caroling activity - scheduled this year for December 15th. Definitely make plans to attend that one, and remember each other in prayer as we all seek to use our time wisely over the coming holidays.

Rachel Potter

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