Thursday, September 15, 2011

Did you feed from God's Word today, or was your plate too full?

The beginning of a semester can be an absolute deluge for students; and people who work, like me, can get so busy "redeeming the time" that they can't sit down to a quiet meal. But food for your soul is vital. Jesus emphasized the lesson of Deuteronomy 8 when He quoted, "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4).
My parent's church used to sing this song (below) before meals at family camp (to the tune of the Doxology). Maybe you should try it before you open your Bible or start in on lunch.

We bow our heads before our food
And thank You for Your bounty, Lord.
May we be strengthened to do good
To serve You with both deed and word.

Yet man lives not by bread alone,
But by what from God's mouth proceeds.
Without that bread, man is undone
Though he may have no other need.

So fill us with Your bread, Oh Lord.
Soul, body, spirit - all restore.
Then heart and flesh with one accord
Will praise You, thank You, and adore.



  1. Amen! Tremendous meditation for constantly hungry souls ... Is. 55:1-2
    Was wondering ... could the 2nd line be, "And thank you for 'your' bounty, Lord. It fits the "OLD HUNDRETH" (Doxology) a little tune better.

  2. The Lord keeps bringing Joshua 1:9 and Isaiah 26:3-4 back to my attention through various people sharing those verses with me. John 14:27 and Psalm 118 have also been encouraging. Just trying to find all my hope and strength in HIM.

  3. Good catch. Thanks, Sam.
