Saturday, March 3, 2012

Bowling Fellowship

The genius of bowling activities is that if everyone is having a good time, they all face more or less the same direction. Consequently, natural shots end up showing peoples' uninteresting side. Case in point, the pictures below. 

When people do not get into their best bowling groove, we end up with pictures like the one below.

(No, Mr. Tompkins, leaning to one side will not help your ball curve at the end of the lane. )

Another way to tell if someone is having a good time is when they confidently model high bowling fashion:

or, when they are so secure in their score, they can wander to other parts of the alley and chat between turns.

I won't say what Mr. Wiginton's score was, but the term "Strike King" comes to mind.

All that to say, the people who went to the bowling activity really enjoyed themselves.

Rachel Potter

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