Tuesday, March 27, 2012

One Another #2

"Oh no! He's getting closer! I hope we don't have to talk!"

Have you ever had that thought before? I have. I know dreading other Christians is not right, but sometimes I don't know what else to think. Instead of an inward cringe, God wants my default to be one of these patterns:

Romans 15:7 - Christ accepted me when I was "not cool" and not even good.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 - God put this [rebel, musician, computer geek] in my life because He thinks I can help.
Ephesians 4:2 - How can I make this person comfortable?
1 Thessalonians 5:13 - What would make peace between us?

In other words, I should think, "I am stronger." 
My reputation can take the hit. God gave me the skill this person lacks. Christ can empower me to be gracious. This [cool, spiritual, nerdy] person and I are one in Christ, and by His power we can display our union.

Instead of ignoring or avoiding, I can ask, "How's it going?"
So, the next time you encounter someone who is not part of your normal group, you can be armed with the right mindset too. After all, we are members one of another.

Rachel Potter

Monday, March 26, 2012


Our Newest Contest:
So, you think you know music?  Well, here is your chance to show it.  Take a few minutes, or however long it takes you, and figure out the names of these songs.  Anyone who can figure out at least 4 of the 5 songs should email us at theroadmoretraveled@gmail.com.  This will automatically enter you in a drawing for a $20 Starbucks gift card.  Submissions must be in by 3 PM on Sunday, April 1 (no, this is not an April fool's joke!)  One person will be selected at random, and will be notified sometime after 3 PM on April 1.  So go listen, and then wait eagerly by your computer for that email saying, "YOU WON!"

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

One Another - #1

This blog has lain dormant due to lack of inspiration and the engulfing terror of other priorities. But recently, the Lord has given me time and vision for what to do next. So, I'm riding The Road again, and whoever would like to join me is quite welcome.

I have heard multiple challenges about the "one-another" passages in the Epistles. Examining them lately, I noticed four broad categories: the facts of our relationship to each other, how we should think about one another, what we should do in relationship to one another, and what we should not do. In the seven weeks between now and graduation, I would like to explore those four categories.

For instance, our Union.

I put four verses in this category: 1 Corinthians 12:25Romans 12:5Ephesians 4:25,  and Romans 15:5. Each reference gives us another facet of what being "members one of another" actually looks like. I Corinthians 12 and Romans 12 explain how God gifted all of us differently so that each person could supply what the other person lacks. As our picture illustrates, God gave Michael the gift of height and Janine the "gift of short" so that they could supply things for each other and for us that we would never be able to take care of without them. Ephesians 4:25 builds off our union to explain lying, not in terms of "thou shalt not," but - in the same way Pastor explained immorality - in terms of being unthinkable since we are members of one another.                                                                                                    
Romans 15:5 challenges us to be of the same mind toward one another. Paul's reference to God as the One "Who gives perseverance and encouragement" tips us off that being of the same mind is hard work. The context has more content than I can develop here; but among many other things, being of the same mind means putting practical thought into our interactions with other Christians - like Michael not sitting in front of Janine at church.

A lot of the challenges these verses mention are things we already do. Praise the Lord, we are not completely fruitless, backward members of the body! Try to keep the three ideas in mind this week, though, and see how the Lord is working out your gifts, honesty, and thoughtfulness as we grow in our relationship to one another.

Rachel Potter

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Bowling Fellowship

The genius of bowling activities is that if everyone is having a good time, they all face more or less the same direction. Consequently, natural shots end up showing peoples' uninteresting side. Case in point, the pictures below. 

When people do not get into their best bowling groove, we end up with pictures like the one below.

(No, Mr. Tompkins, leaning to one side will not help your ball curve at the end of the lane. )

Another way to tell if someone is having a good time is when they confidently model high bowling fashion:

or, when they are so secure in their score, they can wander to other parts of the alley and chat between turns.

I won't say what Mr. Wiginton's score was, but the term "Strike King" comes to mind.

All that to say, the people who went to the bowling activity really enjoyed themselves.

Rachel Potter

A Not-so-ordinary Coffee Sunday

Last Sunday, members of the college and career class were introduced to a colorful and unique selection of cereals with alliterated names such as Fruity Freshman , Collegiate Cornflakes, and etc. Although I am a graduate student, I decided to ignore the Graduate Granola bowl and go right for my favorite cereal labeled Shredded Sophomores (shredded wheat cereal). Another graduate student, whose name shall remain nameless, also went for the shredded wheat cereal. I felt better that I was not the only rebel not going by the labels!!!

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Arnold were the kind host and hostess for this breakfast. They went all out with providing a variety of cereals in addition to the delicious fruit toppings, yogurt and cereal bars. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and any other folks who helped us weary college students get our Sunday morning off to a good start with a nutritious breakfast and a fun time of fellowship!

Mr. Arnold, our gracious host, cheerfully refilling a bowl of fruit toppings.

A colorful bowl of Freshman Fruit Loops. Hey,  next time we have cereal for Coffee Sunday, maybe we could have a contest to see how much cereal the college guys can eat!

C&C girls enjoying a cup of cereal during fellowship time.