Monday, December 19, 2011

Active Listening

Yesterday, Pastor challenged us to listen actively to sermons in 2012. "Active listening" includes taking notes, writing in your Bible, or doing something that will help you remember the sermon afterwards.

So, what have you tried that helps you listen to and learn from sermons?

Caroling Activity

You just had to be there.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Answer to Prayer

Here are most of the seventy kids who attended the puppet outreach at the church Ruth Potter attends in the Philippines. Praise the Lord that Patrick came with a group of friends. Please keep next week's cantata in your prayers.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Short-Termer Prayer Request

Puppet show invitation
The church Ruth Potter attends in the Philippines is having an evangelistic puppet show this Sunday, December 11th for the kids in their area. Pray for Colleen, Patrick, and Joshua - kids that have come to the church's Bible clubs - to be saved.

The church is also having a Christmas cantata on December 18th. Pray that the Lord would encourage young Pastor Blu with the results.

Rachel Potter

Sprint Booster

Do you need a quick gulp of spiritual Gatorade? Try dipping into Spurgeon's Treasury of David. Click on your favorite Psalm and drink in some mature meditations.

Rachel Potter

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Carol Requests

If you have a favorite carol you want to sing in Sunday school, leave a note in the comments. Evan will keep an eye on the blog and pick between the suggestions.

Let the voting being!

Short Termers III

Our last set of short-term folks to pray for are in Papua New Guinea.

The Ellison's are furlough replacements for the Smiths. If you attended the Thanksgiving Praise Service, you heard Ashley Abbott's testimony about how they are doing. Sounds like we need to pray that the Lord protects their health since they have lost so much weight. Also pray that they would be an encouragement in spite of the language barrier.

Elizabeth Owens is the other short-termer we are responsible to pray for. Elizabeth's primary job is teaching at Joy Christian School. In her most recent prayer letter, she asked us to pray for God's provision of another teacher or two. She has about a forty-five minute walk to school every day and when she becomes permanent (in a couple years) she will have a lot of other responsibilities. She would also like us to pray for several of her students who are not saved. Ellie keeps a blog. If you want to check on her try this link. You can pray for her husband if you want, but he is long term, so he is not in our jurisdiction. :)
Rachel Potter